Gen. Bradley, dressed in civilian clothes, seated at his desk and speaking. He says in part "As Commanding General of the 12th Army Group, I issued an Order of the Day. Here is part of it: "Soldiers of the First, Third, Ninth and Fifteenth American Armies at 1645 hours on the 25th of April 1945, American troops joined forced with Soviet elements of Marshall Konev's First Ukrainian Army Group.... I am sure that the spirit of the Soviet peoples- the soldiers, workers, citizens of that great nation- is as then, they have a passionate desire for both peace and liberty....If the Soviet peoples could meet and work together with the American people freely, as we did on the Elbe 10 years ago, the great hope that all of us shared in 1945 would be fulfilled, etc. Note: The above message to Soviet veterans was recorded by Gen. Bradley for broadcast across the Iron Curtain by Radio Liberation. Copy of message with captions.